Splintered Electronics The Sepia The British band The Sepia from Mitcham has taken their inspiration from EBM as well as Industrial, Ethereal, Ambient, Rock, Techno and Trance. It makes it kind of hard to define, but still there is a feeling of a red thread through the whole production. It's not only the styles that vary, it varies allot between instrumental and tracks with song to. Some of the instrumental tracks would have been really perfect as movie themes. It's not that hard to imagine the forth track "Shame of God" as an intro for the first The Crow movie at all. The singer J K Seifert have a really good voice and together with some cruel music every now and then make the tracks "Seed", "Covert Passion" and "Stutter" to really explosive tracks. Still allot of them disappear in the big variation. Although I have to say that it's sometimes a nice try to mix EBM/Industrial with styles like Drum 'n' Base among others. This review was written 2004 and initially published on Neurozine.com 350
Brutal Resonance

The Sepia - Splintered

Released 2004 by Wire-Productions
The British band The Sepia from Mitcham has taken their inspiration from EBM as well as Industrial, Ethereal, Ambient, Rock, Techno and Trance. It makes it kind of hard to define, but still there is a feeling of a red thread through the whole production.

It's not only the styles that vary, it varies allot between instrumental and tracks with song to. Some of the instrumental tracks would have been really perfect as movie themes. It's not that hard to imagine the forth track "Shame of God" as an intro for the first The Crow movie at all.

The singer J K Seifert have a really good voice and together with some cruel music every now and then make the tracks "Seed", "Covert Passion" and "Stutter" to really explosive tracks. Still allot of them disappear in the big variation. Although I have to say that it's sometimes a nice try to mix EBM/Industrial with styles like Drum 'n' Base among others.

This review was written 2004 and initially published on Neurozine.com
Jan 01 2004

Patrik Lindström

Founder of Brutal Resonance in 2009, founder of Electroracle and founder of ex Promonetics. Used to write a whole lot for Brutal Resonance and have written over 500 reviews. Nowadays, mostly focusing on the website and paving way for our writers.

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