Nekkro-Electro - 6 Sick 6
Nekkro-Electro has already been given a review in the past on our fair site, and they didn't come out well from it. Whoretopsy was quoted as being a demo that was "...littered with potential in many different areas." And it's been two years since that was released. So, with that in mind, it would be about appropriate to time to check whether or not the South Australian duo would make something great of their music, or something horrid.
And I'm afraid that two years does not seem to be enough. The album is reaped with hits and misses, but a lot are misses and still have horrible production quality that renders the twelve track release to sound like a demo. I mean, the first track on the album, Decomposed was a huge hit with me. It was edgy and moody with the electronic build up with the drums creating a slow jungle like sound.
However, the second track, Monstar creates a mediocre rock sound that really don't inspire much. The vocals covering over it sounds like a man was submerged under water and screamed to his heart's content. And they're also much more powerful than the beat presented, created an uneasy balance.
The sound of the vocals never really changed either, which made half the album useless to me because I couldn't stand them. The Worm, sick 6, Wolfman, Faces of Death, AB-RA-CA-DAVER, and PAY DAY$ all included the same style of vocals and, even if the track had an awesome beat to it (such as on the final track), I couldn't listen to it again due to the effects on the voice.
The third track started off with a decent beat, and remained an instrumental. However, the problem with this instrumental is the fact that it never really changed up much at all, and turned out to be boring. Undead had the same problem, but other instrumentals on the album weren't all too bad. Death Tronic was a pretty decent and different song in comparison to a lot of the others on the album, and strayed away from rock influences for the most part.
The only song I have yet to cover is my favorite on the album, which would be Fresh Meat, which is yet another EBM song which has some clean vocals as well as whispers. It wasn't too bad at all, and if I was presented an album with more tracks like this, I'd think twice before I turned my head at the thought of this album.
But, sadly, that's not what happened. I really only found three of the twelve tracks presented on this release enjoyable. Which is a pretty horrid ratio, however, I still have to say that there IS potential for this duo. A lot of it, actually. They know what they're doing. The vocals need fixing, the songs need to become more energetic and less repetitive, and the production still needs a boost. With tweaking this duo could come out decently. But not as of yet.
Apr 13 2014
And I'm afraid that two years does not seem to be enough. The album is reaped with hits and misses, but a lot are misses and still have horrible production quality that renders the twelve track release to sound like a demo. I mean, the first track on the album, Decomposed was a huge hit with me. It was edgy and moody with the electronic build up with the drums creating a slow jungle like sound.
However, the second track, Monstar creates a mediocre rock sound that really don't inspire much. The vocals covering over it sounds like a man was submerged under water and screamed to his heart's content. And they're also much more powerful than the beat presented, created an uneasy balance.
The sound of the vocals never really changed either, which made half the album useless to me because I couldn't stand them. The Worm, sick 6, Wolfman, Faces of Death, AB-RA-CA-DAVER, and PAY DAY$ all included the same style of vocals and, even if the track had an awesome beat to it (such as on the final track), I couldn't listen to it again due to the effects on the voice.
The third track started off with a decent beat, and remained an instrumental. However, the problem with this instrumental is the fact that it never really changed up much at all, and turned out to be boring. Undead had the same problem, but other instrumentals on the album weren't all too bad. Death Tronic was a pretty decent and different song in comparison to a lot of the others on the album, and strayed away from rock influences for the most part.
The only song I have yet to cover is my favorite on the album, which would be Fresh Meat, which is yet another EBM song which has some clean vocals as well as whispers. It wasn't too bad at all, and if I was presented an album with more tracks like this, I'd think twice before I turned my head at the thought of this album.
But, sadly, that's not what happened. I really only found three of the twelve tracks presented on this release enjoyable. Which is a pretty horrid ratio, however, I still have to say that there IS potential for this duo. A lot of it, actually. They know what they're doing. The vocals need fixing, the songs need to become more energetic and less repetitive, and the production still needs a boost. With tweaking this duo could come out decently. But not as of yet.
Apr 13 2014
Off label
Official release released by the artist themselves without the backing of a label.
Steven Gullotta
info@brutalresonance.comI've been writing for Brutal Resonance since November of 2012 and now serve as the editor-in-chief. I love the dark electronic underground and usually have too much to listen to at once but I love it. I am also an editor at Aggressive Deprivation, a digital/physical magazine since March of 2016. I support the scene as much as I can from my humble laptop.
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