C.A.P - Statement
C.A.P (Controlled Analogue Programming) is Leif Holm and Christiaan Riemslag from Pouppée Fabrikk and has now released their first album after two MCD's.
C.A.P delivers heavy Oldschool EMB but use a softer beat than Pouppée Fabrikk. However it doesn't make the album wimpy in any way. Brutal is what it is together with a monotonous atmosphere. Johan Damm from Dupont features on the tracks "Stahlhertz" and "Time is running out" and Henrik Björkk from Pouppée Fabrikk features on the title "C S F". CAP works very well on the dance floor and the forth track "Are we strong" is an obvious hit there.
The tracks keep a high standard and dig the music by nodding your head or beat time with your foot is not a problem. Still the album as whole can be a little monotonous. Hopefully C.A.P will be on tour soon because live, this will definitely be a riot.
This review was written 2003 and initially published on Neurozine.com Jan 01 2003
C.A.P delivers heavy Oldschool EMB but use a softer beat than Pouppée Fabrikk. However it doesn't make the album wimpy in any way. Brutal is what it is together with a monotonous atmosphere. Johan Damm from Dupont features on the tracks "Stahlhertz" and "Time is running out" and Henrik Björkk from Pouppée Fabrikk features on the title "C S F". CAP works very well on the dance floor and the forth track "Are we strong" is an obvious hit there.
The tracks keep a high standard and dig the music by nodding your head or beat time with your foot is not a problem. Still the album as whole can be a little monotonous. Hopefully C.A.P will be on tour soon because live, this will definitely be a riot.
This review was written 2003 and initially published on Neurozine.com Jan 01 2003
Patrik Lindström
info@brutalresonance.comFounder of Brutal Resonance in 2009, founder of Electroracle and founder of ex Promonetics. Used to write a whole lot for Brutal Resonance and have written over 500 reviews. Nowadays, mostly focusing on the website and paving way for our writers.
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