A7ie - Distress
a7ie album 'Distress' is a full length album that was released back in 2008, but this is actually the first time I've heard it myself. I have heard a lot about this artist, but never paid much attention to them at all. From what I know they are a French hellectro band signed to Advoxya records.
Now you got the introduction, so let us skip forward to the musical part. First off the vocals are very typical to this genre, heavily distorted with a lot of chorus on them and nearly impossible to understand, like a lot of bands in this genre. This isn't really a problem because they fit well to the music and in most tracks they are pretty well aligned with the music and in some tracks they are just falling behind.
About the music itself then, the production feels a bit too poor for my taste and it sounds almost demo like sometimes. There are some really nice melody hooks and the distorted drums give a good beat which being a little bit too trashy sometimes. I don't know what people thought about this back in 2008, but I myself think this is a bit too weak comparing to today's standards, even thought its really above average. Dec 14 2010
Now you got the introduction, so let us skip forward to the musical part. First off the vocals are very typical to this genre, heavily distorted with a lot of chorus on them and nearly impossible to understand, like a lot of bands in this genre. This isn't really a problem because they fit well to the music and in most tracks they are pretty well aligned with the music and in some tracks they are just falling behind.
About the music itself then, the production feels a bit too poor for my taste and it sounds almost demo like sometimes. There are some really nice melody hooks and the distorted drums give a good beat which being a little bit too trashy sometimes. I don't know what people thought about this back in 2008, but I myself think this is a bit too weak comparing to today's standards, even thought its really above average. Dec 14 2010
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