Get To Know Them: Isserley
In this series of quick, click-like interviews, we explore artists that have either worked with us or are currently working with us. We ask them the basic, getting-to-know-you type questions so you can gain a brief glimpse into their creative minds. This time around, we dive into the brain of the saddest girl in Australia, Isserley. Industrial, metal, doom, trap, hip-hop, witch house, noise, experimental, and other such genres are her playing grounds. Read the interview below, and find the limited edition cassette of "Misanthropy Exhibition" on our Bandcamp page.
Who are the members of the band, what do they do, and where did you all meet?
Roxxi: Isserley is just me, one sad girl in her bedroom.
Where did you get the name of your band from? What is the inspiration behind it?
Roxxi: The name comes from my fave book, Under the Skin by Michael Faber. The character of Isserley is isolated, alienated, and trying really hard to be a part of the world, whether it wants her or not. I've always felt close to her so I chose her name for myself!
What are three of your favorite albums of all time and why?
If you had to describe the sound of your band to someone who has never listened to it before, what would you tell them?
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
What kind of gear do you use to record your music?
What do you think the future of Isserley is going to look like?
Steven Gullotta
info@brutalresonance.comI've been writing for Brutal Resonance since November of 2012 and now serve as the editor-in-chief. I love the dark electronic underground and usually have too much to listen to at once but I love it. I am also an editor at Aggressive Deprivation, a digital/physical magazine since March of 2016. I support the scene as much as I can from my humble laptop.
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