Video: Titans - It's Dark
(c) 2012 Progress Productions
Directed by Fredrik Karlsson
Many thanks to Hasse Blomkvist for cool acting.
Production team includes:
Fredrik Karlsson (director, scrip, camera man, postproduction).
Katia Farah (script etc) Special thanks for having brilliant ideas.
Conny Högkvist (Camera man etc) Special thanks for taking awesome shots.
Apr 05 2012
Directed by Fredrik Karlsson
Many thanks to Hasse Blomkvist for cool acting.
Production team includes:
Fredrik Karlsson (director, scrip, camera man, postproduction).
Katia Farah (script etc) Special thanks for having brilliant ideas.
Conny Högkvist (Camera man etc) Special thanks for taking awesome shots.
Patrik Lindström
info@brutalresonance.comFounder of Brutal Resonance in 2009, founder of Electroracle and founder of ex Promonetics. Used to write a whole lot for Brutal Resonance and have written over 500 reviews. Nowadays, mostly focusing on the website and paving way for our writers.
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