Released on 2nd May 2012, "RETROFUTURO" (Album) by ISIS SIGNUM, 14 tracks, also featuring: Dirty Princess, Sara Noxx, Jennifer Parkin, Tying Tiffany, Lethargy, Kindel and Drey . On the Glory & Honour Records label available by CD in digipak format and by download.

This is the second release by Isis Signum and its creator Helder Camberos on the Glory & Honour and its sister Purple Laboratories labels following the release of Remix Culture (2004-12) on the 14th February.

Isis Signum produces creates and proposes what is known as "Futureclash", the next generation of Electroclash, with a mixture of Techno, EBM, TBM, Electro and more! SideLine Magazine has described their music as amazing modern electronics, and the sexy vocals of the girls as exceptional, irresistible and polished sound sculptures,
Retrofuturo (Album) by Isis Signum, released 2nd May 2012
May 3, 2012
Brutal Resonance

Retrofuturo (Album) by Isis Signum, released 2nd May 2012

Released on 2nd May 2012, "RETROFUTURO" (Album) by ISIS SIGNUM, 14 tracks, also featuring: Dirty Princess, Sara Noxx, Jennifer Parkin, Tying Tiffany, Lethargy, Kindel and Drey . On the Glory & Honour Records label available by CD in digipak format and by download.

This is the second release by Isis Signum and its creator Helder Camberos on the Glory & Honour and its sister Purple Laboratories labels following the release of Remix Culture (2004-12) on the 14th February.

Isis Signum produces creates and proposes what is known as "Futureclash", the next generation of Electroclash, with a mixture of Techno, EBM, TBM, Electro and more! SideLine Magazine has described their music as amazing modern electronics, and the sexy vocals of the girls as exceptional, irresistible and polished sound sculptures,
May 03 2012

Danya Malashenkov
Writer and contributor on Brutal Resonance

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Started in spring 2009, Brutal Resonance quickly grew from a Swedish based netzine into an established International zine of the highest standard.

We cover genres like Synthpop, EBM, Industrial, Dark Ambient, Neofolk, Darkwave, Noise and all their sub- and similar genres.

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