Nivek Ogre Retires From Skinny Puppy After Tragic Weight Gain, Starts New Band FAT DOG
Electro-industrial founding father Nivek Ogre has announced that he will be retiring the Skinny Puppy name and will form a new band called FAT DOG.
After a tragic weight gain of four-hundred pounds, Nivek Ogre has decided to shut down Skinny Puppy for good. When asked about his weight gain, Ogre had this to say:
You know, I had my first Twinkie for the first time in years about six months ago. And then I had another one. Before I could even realize, I had a huge addiction to Twinkies. I couldn't stop. Wal-Mart kept restocking them and I kept buying them. I couldn't help myself. By the time I knew it, I gained four-hundred pounds. I looked myself in the mirror and said to myself, “You are not a Skinny Puppy anymore. You are a FAT DOG. And that's where I got the name from.
Keep a look out for FAT DOG's debut EP titled, “Fatsimilate”, which will contain reworked classic Skinny Puppy tracks that now manifest Ogre's current lifestyle.
Steven Gullotta
info@brutalresonance.comI've been writing for Brutal Resonance since November of 2012 and now serve as the editor-in-chief. I love the dark electronic underground and usually have too much to listen to at once but I love it. I am also an editor at Aggressive Deprivation, a digital/physical magazine since March of 2016. I support the scene as much as I can from my humble laptop.
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